Please read entirely!
Please read entirely!
- All does must come to our farm when they are in standing heat.
- Our bucks will not leave our property under any circumstances.
- Breeding will occur in our driveway.
- Both the buck and the doe will be on leash during the breeding process.
- There will be no boarding of does. The only exception to this is does we have sold, and decisions are made on a case by case basis. A boarding fee will apply.
- All farms must have recent negative disease testing (CAE, CL and Johne's) within the last 3 months. Disease testing must be current for your entire herd, not just the doe(s) you are bringing for breeding services. We send our blood to WADDL, but most vets can perform this as well.
- All does must have a clean bill of health from the vet. For example: no lice/mites, no hoof rot, no abscesses, a normal body temperature, no diarrhea, and a FAMACHA score of 3 or better, etc.
- Fee is due at the time of breeding. $75/doe. Discount for multiples. Discount if does were purchased from us. Discount if buck is unproven.
- We recommend having a blood test to confirm pregnancy 30 days from breeding date. We use NHVDL, but most vets can perform this as well.
- Sometimes standing heat it really hard to recognize. We offer videos showing what typical standing heat looks like in our herd. We also offer a buck rag should your doe goat(s) need some inspiration to show heat signs more apparently.
- We are happy to have you come back once each day during their standing heat cycle for repeat breeding, covered under the one-time $75 fee. Some does only stand for one day. Others are in standing heat for 3 or 4. If you'd like to come back three or four days consecutively, we will accommodate that.
- You will be provided with service memo at the time of breeding so that you may register the offspring.
- Our herd is disease tested negative for CAE, CL and Johne's annually prior to breeding season. A copy of these results will be provided to you upon request.
- We make no guarantees regarding gender, color, size, or production of offspring.
- We reserve the right to refuse breeding services at any time for any reason.
- If you are interested in breeding services, please write to us through our Contact Page!